Coming Out in Japan
Satoru Ito and Ryuta Yanase

■ Coming Out in Japan
Translated by F.Conlan
Trans Pacific Press Melbourne
ISBN 1-876843-02-0


This book is dedicated to the memory of Matthew Shepard.
Translator's Preface Francis Conlan
Acknowledgments Francis Conlan
Introduction Francis Conlan
Translator's Notes Francis Conlan
Foreword to Part One Brian Greig
Part One:My Gay Pride Declaration
Preamble to Part One
Chapter One:Jottings Notebook
The path I walked until I was able to admit that I like what I like
1 The courage to admit that I like what I like
2 The anguish involved in not being able to admit that you like what you like
3 The joy of being able to admit that I like what I like
Chapter Two:Self-Analysis Notebook
The path leading to my acknowledgment and acceptance of myself as the person I am.
1 The know-how involved in becoming an ideal partner
2 The sexual pilgrimage I made before meeting my partner
3 The agonies homosexuals experience as members of a social minority
4 Towards movements which aim to eliminate discrimination against homosexuals
Chapter Three:Explanation Notebook
From us, members of a social minority to you, members of the social majority.
1 The homosexual lifestyle
2 From me, the homosexual to you, the heterosexual
3 Towards becoming a pioneering homosexual couple
4 A word from my partner
Postscript to Part One
Foreword to Part Two John Hyde
Part Two:Our Partnership
Chapter Four:Our Love Notebook
The Genesis of Our Love.
1 Our fateful meeting. Ryuta Yanase
2 Finding the courage to announce to my family that I have a lover. Ryuta Yanase
3 Moving towards setting up house with my partner. Ryuta Yanase
Chapter Five:Life Notebook
Building a Life for Ourselves.
1 The bewilderment which accompanied our living together. The curtain is lifted on a story time. Satoru Ito
2 The loneliness of living in a room that represents a fortress of isolation in someone else's house. Ryuta Yanase
3 Days of unholy clashes. Ryuta Yanase
4 Indications of a relationship with open communication. Satoru Ito
Chapter Six:Homosexual Notebook
The Happiness We Seek.
1 The fight to overcome my feeling of self-rejection. Ryuta Yanase
2 Feeling comfortable with Gay Pride. Satoru Ito
Postscript to Part Two
About the authors


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この本は、翻訳者のF.Conlan さん(以前からの「すこたん企画」支援者/オーストラリア・パース在住)が、「自費出版」と言ってもおかしくないほど私費を投げ打ち、莫大な時間を費やして、出版まで奔走していただいたものです。この場を借りて大きな感謝をささげたいと思います。また、この本には、オーストラリアでゲイであることをカミングアウトして、上院議員をしている Brian Greig さんと、市長をしている John Hyde さんからの序文が付けられていて、とても光栄です。伊藤 悟簗瀬 竜太